EVA 2001 Moscow
Electronic Imaging & the Visual Arts

The State Tretyakov Gallery
3 - 8 December 2001

Information Press-conference Programme and Papers Exhibition Catalogue Sponsors Photoalbum russian

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 Минкультуры России

 Минпромнауки России



Information about product

CD-ROM «Spaso-Preobrazhensky cathedral»

Year of production: 2001



Multimedia-product contains the information about an outstanding monument of Russian art culture of the XVI-th century which has written the brightest page in development of the Yaroslavl school of architecture and painting.

System requirements:

Microsoft Windows 9x/ME, NT4 (SP3), 2000; Microsoft Windows Media Player v.6.4 or later, Intel Indeo v.5.11, Microsoft DirectX (preferably 6.1 version), Intel Pentium 166 MHz processor or faster, 32 Mb RAM (24 MB min.), 8-speed CD-ROM, 16-bit sound card, mouse, PCI/AGP video card with 1 Mb memory, 800x600, 65536 colours (High Color).


Information Press-conference Programme and Papers Exhibition Catalogue Sponsors Photoalbum russian
  © Centre PIC, Moscow 2001. Hosting ArtInfo