EVA 2001 Moscow
Electronic Imaging & the Visual Arts

The State Tretyakov Gallery
3 - 8 December 2001

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Information about product

CD «The Traditonal Culture of Old Believers (the Semeiskie) of Trasnbaikal»

Year of production: 2001


«Traditsionnaia kul’tura starobriadtsev (semeiskikh) Zabakal’ia» [The Traditonal Culture of Old Believers (the Semeiskie) of Trasnbaikal] this special CD is designed as an electronic reference work, and will offer, in interactive form, material on the folklore, music, and customs of the Semeiskiis. It will contain a complete bibliography on the culture and history of the Semsiskiis (more than 500 titles from 1776 through 2001); an electronic library of folkore (more than 700 texts); full texts of fundamental and rare and secondary sources; a photo gallery of about 300 images; audio (approximately 60 songs and other genres) and video materials (22 clips) of contemporary customs and rituals of the Semeiskii villages of Transbaikal. The disk will also be searchable, using the search module provided by Yandex – Yandex.CD, which allows searches of both the scholarly and folkloric texts.

The author-composer: Dr. V.Klyaus

E-mail: vl.klyaus@imli.ru

The Edition is carried out at financial support of the Foundation «Open Society Institute» (www.osi.ru), to program support of firm «Yandex» (www.yandex.ru), technical and information maintenance of the Institute of the World Literature named after A.Gorkij RAS (www.imli.ru) and the Institute of a Cultural and Natural Heritage named after D.Likhachev MC RF and RAS (www.heritage.ru)


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