eLearning Office 3000 (http://www.hypermethod.ru)
Year of production: 2002
Languages: Russian, English
Description:THE eLEARNING OFFICE 3000 SOFTWARE PRODUCT ALLOWS CONSTRUCTING from any separate source educational material an integral multimedia distance learning course, which will include a wide variety of communication media. Interactive seminars and conferences, search systems, glossaries, electronic books, which are incorporated in such a course, make the educational process very effective and exiting for students. Advanced testing system excludes biased evaluation of a student’s knowledge. The advantage of the product is that it was specially developed for teachers and professors of different educational establishments. That is why it has very user-friendly interface along with the maximally possible automation of functions. The product allows a person who has no any programming skills to develop professional distance learning courses.
System requirements:Pentium, RAM 64 Mb, OS Windows*