EVA 2003 Москва

Государственная Третьяковская галерея
1-5 декабря 2003

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 Минкультуры России

 Минпромнауки России


 Британский Совет

The New Information Opportunities of Potter Ceramics

Singatulin Rustam
Pedagogical institute Saratov State University
Adress: 92, Michurina ul., 410028, Saratov, Russia
Fax: (8452) 24-04-46
E-mail: rtulin@rambler.ru

A. Balanovsky, Pedagogical High School of the Saratov State University, (845-2)45-48-79


The problems in using of new technologies (for kipping of a cultural and scientific heritage) are put forward by necessity of more complete utilization of information opportunities of ceramics. One of perspective methods in studding of ceramics can become the vibro-acoustic analysis of a surface potteries or otherwise, - paleophonografy research. Proceeding from the basic directions, in their frameworks conduct a study of ceramics (i.e. under the form, by the design and technology of manufacturing) the given method most full reflects methodology of technical-technological process in manufacturing ceramics and can contain the vibro-acoustic information, receipt and decipherable which decoding on information is commensurable with written historical sources. The results of skilled researches гончарных of products made in Saratov State Technical University, together with archaeological laboratory of Pedagogical institute Saratov State University open encouraging prospects for realization of complex researches of museum ceramics.

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