EVA 2001 Moscow
Electronic Imaging & the Visual Arts

Государственная Третьяковская Галерея
3-8 декабря 2001

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 Минкультуры России

 Минпромнауки России



The specificity of the use of Internet materials in the architectural and design education

Robezhnik  Lubov
Senior Lecturer
Novgorod State University
Adress: 2201, ul.St.Petersburgskaya 41, Novgorod the Great, 173003, Russia


Fast development of the system of Internet has resulted in the opportunity and in some cases- necessity of the use of a given source of education as a supplement or an alternative to traditional one- a book.
The specificity of the use of Internet materials in the architectural and design education

Информация Пресс-конференция Программа и доклады Каталог выставки Спонсоры Фотоальбом english
   © Центр ПИК Минкультуры России, Москва 2001. Хостинг АртИнфо