Description: On the CD are presented religious songs, Hassidic melodies, Jewish folk songs recorded by J.Engel - one of the recognized of the Jewish musical revival in Russia of the beginning of the 20th century. The records are made on the wax cylinders by using Edison phonograph during the first Jewish ethnographic expedition under the leadership of S.A.An-sky in boroughs of Kyiv province (Ruzhin, Skvira, Pavoloch) in 1912. Edison phonograph cylinders with the records of the whole «Historical collection of the Jewish music of 1912-1947» (including «Materials of J.Engel ethnographic expedition of 1912») are kept at V.I.Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine. The high-quality reproduction of a sound from phonograph cylinders and recording on the modern information carriers is carried out on the equipment and by technologies developed at the Institute of Information Recording of the NAS of Ukraine, by employees of this Institute.