EVA 2002 Москва

Государственная Третьяковская галерея
2-7 декабря 2002

Информация Программа Списки Тезисы и доклады Каталог выставки Спонсоры Фотоальбом English

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 Британский Совет

Contemporary Technologies in Libraries

Tolpanov Vasiliy
Deputy director
"Electronic Archives" Corporation
Adress: Petrovsko-Razumovakaya Alley 12A, 125083 Moscow, Russia
Fax: (095) 2513603
E-mail: vtolpanov@elar.ru


The paper briefly reviews the services of the Company in transformation of documents into electronic formats, elaborates in detail the variants of realization of large and expensive projects by the example of creation of electronic catalogues.

Descriptions are given of the Company’s new solutions in elaboration of integrated programs with application of the retroconversion technology, with use of the obtained results in library operations.

The variants of the integrated modernization of libraries with application of informational technologies are demonstrated by the example of works under the program in the Central Administrative District of Moscow.

Информация Программа Списки Тезисы и доклады Каталог выставки Спонсоры Фотоальбом English
   © Центр ПИК Минкультуры России, Москва 2002. Хостинг АртИнфо