EVA 2002 Москва

Государственная Третьяковская галерея
2-7 декабря 2002

Информация Программа Списки Тезисы и доклады Каталог выставки Спонсоры Фотоальбом English

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 Британский Совет

Propagation of Culture by Means of Mass Communication: Russian History and the Prospects

Novikova Anna
Head researcher
State Institute of Art Knowledge of the Ministry of Culture of Russia
Adress: 5, Kozitsky per., Moscow, Russia
E-mail: novikova@online.ru


Propagation of the culture by means of the mass communication, which initially was consid-ered as an unconditionally positive invention, has led to multi-semantic consequences.
The history of mutual cooperation between arts and the mass communication tools (MCT) can be considered as consisting of the following three separate stages: fixings of a piece of art, its adaptation to requirements of the MCT and its reformulation.
The changes taking place in the world are already irreversible. Today, however, some meas-ures of precaution may be taken. There are plenty of dangers, -- we shall point to only on two of them. 1. The influence of intellectual elite on the situation will cause a further progress of the search engines allowing easy access to the necessary information. This necessary will block access of younger users to undesirable to the tutors (parents or teachers) information resources. 2. The freedom of "no-purpose" use of the art product must be legislatively limited, as well as that of the use of small children as the characters in the rollers. Already today it is necessary to consider the problem on an opportunity of acceptance of appropriate calls to the legislative bodies.

Информация Программа Списки Тезисы и доклады Каталог выставки Спонсоры Фотоальбом English
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